Monday, January 18, 2010

Incipient Thoughts

Hello, readers. I've never operated a genuine blog before, so we'll see what this develops into as time progresses. At the moment, I'm looking to use this space as a venue for the expression of my thoughts on various topics, not so much from a desire to educate, but from a desire to learn. I care about the truth. The truth is the way things really are. I don't want to believe what is comfortable or convenient. I want to believe the truth. And I want the same for you. The truth is what sets us free.
I can hardly find anything worth saying about myself, save that I am a committed follower of Jesus Christ. He is everything in me that is praiseworthy or admirable. In light of that, the things that I write here come from a decisively Christian perspective. Jesus Christ is Lord not only my heart, but my mind. I strive, as much as I am able, to have my opinions and beliefs founded on the truth of Scripture. I am open to correction from anyone who would like to comment; I do not pretend to have all the answers (hardly any of them, in fact). But everything I believe must be filtered through the Word of God.
Having stated my purposes and my allegiances in writing, I have only to say that I look forward to any and all conversations which my words here could foster, and that I am excited to learn and mature alongside those of you who would see fit to join me in the pursuit of truth. My one goal is that Jesus Christ would be glorified in me and in this blog. And with that, I bid you good day.